November 30, 2010

Geena Bo Beena

Shoot I did last week with my girlfriend Geena, she was perfect for the idea I had in mind and everything was executed just the way I wanted it. FAR OUT! This is the first batch. More on the way...

Happy Chrismas, Harry :)

these are the things i want... 
and i love amazon for being so amazing <3 
online wishlists are the new "Dear Santa":

also i want more Fuji Velvia 100 film :D

November 18, 2010

November 10, 2010

Story Teller

Last Friday I went to Gallery 1988 in Hollywood for Greg Simkins' new art series called "Story Teller" and signing of his new book, "Drawn from the Well". I did a write-up and documentary photos of the event for Hi-Fructose Magazine's website. 

check out his work it's amazing!
Greg's website: