November 30, 2010

Geena Bo Beena

Shoot I did last week with my girlfriend Geena, she was perfect for the idea I had in mind and everything was executed just the way I wanted it. FAR OUT! This is the first batch. More on the way...

Happy Chrismas, Harry :)

these are the things i want... 
and i love amazon for being so amazing <3 
online wishlists are the new "Dear Santa":

also i want more Fuji Velvia 100 film :D

November 18, 2010

November 10, 2010

Story Teller

Last Friday I went to Gallery 1988 in Hollywood for Greg Simkins' new art series called "Story Teller" and signing of his new book, "Drawn from the Well". I did a write-up and documentary photos of the event for Hi-Fructose Magazine's website. 

check out his work it's amazing!
Greg's website:

October 21, 2010

Foggy Saturday Film Shots

I'm obsessed with these film shots. The slide film worked out beautifully with some gorgeous color and tonal range. These I think are way better than the digital shots.
Camera: Canon Rebel EOS
Film: Fujichrome Velvia 100
Models: Amber McGlone & Natalie Russel
Location: Glen Ranch, CA

Boys Boys Boys

Inspiration for my next photo shoot. I need a boy model or two. Volunteers are welcomed <3 I'm excited to try this out. Need a great makeup job for sure. Notice that GSP is the least banged up ;) that's cause he's fucking fantastic.

October 17, 2010

Foggy Saturday

these are my favorite digital shots from my shoot with Amber McGlone and Natalie Russel <3 edited and ready to go! i'm so excited the weather was gorgeous; foggy and overcast. they were fantastic models and brought the best wardrobe i've ever worked with on a photoshoot. i give these girls much of the credit for how awesome the shoot turned out. i shot mostly in film so when i get those on a CD i'll post the best ones :)

October 6, 2010

Photoshoot with RAW Photography

This Sunday I went back up to Dena to assist a shoot with RAW Photography's Rachel Whaley. She's great and everything turned out really cool. Wish I could have stayed the whole time :(

Here's the link to her post and a few photos from the shoot:

September 28, 2010

Baby Carolyn

so this is kind of irrelevant but completely hilarious... my baby cousin Carolyn demonstrating exactly how she sings when mama takes her to church. she's a little cheater! just like her big cousin vail used to do ;) she takes after me
(i'd also like to point out her impecable taste in cuisine; mac and cheese all the way!)

September 24, 2010

Coming Up...

a little inspiration for this weekend's shoot. i'm shooting in film and some black and white digital, but mostly color film which i'm really excited about. i want some kodak ektar 100 film. we'll see what we can get. here's part of my story board...
Soundtrack for this shoot.

August 27, 2010

implied but GOOD ;)

the only two photos from the nude shoot with my girlfriend that the public gets to see ;) so much fun. she's gorgeous.

August 10, 2010

The Forest Nymph

This started as a test shoot for a nude shoot I was trying to plan...
Actually we're still trying to get together haha. Anyways I really just like how they turned out.
Very pretty, captured a different side of her.